Together We Can Make a "Difference"​


Together we can make a difference and impact in many people lives

The ALASHEPE GLOBAL FOUNDATION is a faith based ministry. Our objective is to empower men and women across our continent It is a child organisation of the alashepe evangelism global

Our mission is implemented through our programs The Foundation leverages its strong relationships in the public, private and development sectors to drive its mission of creating a better life for the less privilege.

We help Christian families like yours send more to their favorite charities and connect with the larger movement of generosity taking place around the world. But even better, we share your biblical view of generosity that inspires our work every day. 

We believe God is moving hearts to give like never before, around the corner and around the world. So we want to be there – on the frontlines of this modern day generosity movement, and we’re here to help you be a part of it. We believe God is moving hearts to give like never before, around the corner and around the world. So we want to be there – on the frontlines of this modern day generosity movement, and we’re here to help you be a part of it.

Our vision

Every person reached and restored through the love of christ

Our mission

Mobilizing resources by inspiring biblical generosity

Our statement of faith


We believe that the entire Bible is the inspired and inerrant Word of God; the only infallible rule of faith and practice.


We believe that there is only one God, eternally existing in three persons; Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


We believe that Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God, conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, and was true Man and is true God.


We believe that God created man in his own image, male and female.

Help Feed and Cloth A Family, Feed, Empower, provide basic amenities to the Needy Family.
Your donation to the Christian Ministry Fund will help share Christ’s love with children and families in countries that are open to the Gospel.  You can support us by donating in our foundation account your support would go a long way, Your donations enable us to help needy people around the world. We live in a world of suffering. Millions are unable to provide for even their basic needs.